Somerville plans Haitian Film & Video Event

The Somerville Arts Council has issued a call to the Haitian community for entries for an event "An Evening of Haitian Film & Video to be held on Feb. 4, 2010 in Union Square.

The event will include over an hour of short documentaries or narrative fiction, and excerpts from longer films and tv shows. The focus of the films/videos and discussion will be the role of media -- radio (the "Agronomist"), film ("Secondhand Pepe") and TV (excerpts from local shows) as it relates to Haiti and the local Haitian community.

Five candidates team up to raise funds

Five Haitian-American candidates running for City Council seats in Boston, Malden, Brockton, and Randolph are teaming up to shovel some cash into their coffers. A 6 p.m. fundraiser is planned for Aug. 30 at Lantana in Randolph.

Jean-Claude Sanon, a Mattapan community activist, is running for one of the four City Council At-Large seats in Boston, while Fred Fontaine and Marc Lucas are both looking at seats in Brockton. Nekita Lamour is running for a seat in Malden, and Ricardo Bonachy Telemaque has his sights set on a council slot in Randolph.

House Speaker: 'Compelling' case for immigrant care

With the fate of health insurance for 30,000 legal immigrants hanging on the choices legislative leaders will make in the coming days, House Speaker Robert DeLeo said Gov. Deval Patrick made a "good and compelling case" for maintaining the coverage. He added, though, that lawmakers were still concerned about financial constraints and had yet to finalize plans for dealing with budget issues.

Something to sip? Try a Barbancourt rum brunch punch!

RBP- the Rum Brunch Punch
Serves 4 (more or less, give or take)
Haitian-style of course with the BBC! But you can use your favorite rum though it won’t be the same.

1 QT orange juice (100% fresh squeezed, no
preservative, unpasteurized absolutely
1 half court white or gold rum (Barbancourt
Five Star preferred)
Lots of crushed ice
Orange wedges to garnish glasses
Fresh mint leaves, for hint and to garnish

Michael's Legacy: Jackson 5, MJ had huge impact in Haiti

You’ll probably never forget where you were or what you were doing when you heard the news. I was sneaking a little time on Facebook enjoying a conversation with a fellow musician who was gigging in Switzerland.
We were enjoying a nice chat when she suddenly typed “They’re saying Michael Jackson’s dead?”
Of course, active consumer of American media that I am, I immediately thought it was half-true and that Michael was probably sick. Too young to die! No way. We haven’t seen each other in a while, but we’re growing old together.

Life Outside of Pearl: From Dream to Film Reality

Uscla "Johnny" Desarmes: Director of "Life Outside of Pearl"Uscla "Johnny" Desarmes: Director of "Life Outside of Pearl"With such a small Haitian population out here in Los Angeles, you cannot imagine the excitement shared by my wife and me as we stood in the lobby of Uscla “Johnny” Desarmes’ home in Hollywood waiting to meet him. When you’re far away from home — which in my case is the northeast, the Mecca for Haitians in the U.S.— you’re never sure what to expect from your fellow countrymen.


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