Volunteer builders needed for PIH's Mirebalais hospital meet Thursday in Boston

Partners In Health and Jim Ansara will host a Volunteer Open House for all those planning to volunteer — or those thinking about volunteering— int he construction of a new hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti on Thursday, Sept. 1 at 6 p.m. at the Boston Beer Works, 112 Canal Street, Boston. Partners In Health needs skilled tradespeoplecarpenters, plumbers, metalworkers, electricians, medical equipment installers and biomedical techniciansto volunteer to help build the National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais, Haiti. Join Partners in Health for a presentation by the Director of Construction, Jim Ansara, at Boston Beer Works to learn what you can do to lend a hand in Haiti. The purpose of this meeting is to give PIH the chance to meet volunteers and discuss the project with them. Appetizers will be served.